Persistence of War

3 min readMar 27, 2022

The internet has its advantages. One, I was able to look back in history and identify violent instances of human conflict A.K.A. wars for the last couple of decades. I was wondering that is the idea of universal peace and brotherhood, where people with opposing opinions, cultures, and beliefs, has ever been close to possible if not completely. Here is the data before I make my observations public.

Photo by Duncan Kidd on Unsplash

A few instances of Conflict

From 1955–1975: The Vietnam War

From 1961–1974: Portuguese Colonial War

1965: India-Pakistan War

1971: Bangladesh liberation war

Arab-Israeli Conflict — From early 20th century till present

The Nigerian Civil war began in 1967.

Civil wars in Laos and Sudan have raged on throughout the decade

In the 2000s? Attack on twin towers, USA; The Battle for Tora Bora, Afghanistan; Taliban Insurgency, Afghanistan; Conflict in Iraq; Battle of Basra and Baghdad; Action against Free Aceh Movement in Indonesia; The Central African Republic Bush War; The Civil War in Chad; etc.,

And of course the current Russian invasion of Ukraine

The point is?

Does time heal all? certainly doesn’t seem so. With every decade one or other reason has been bringing the conflict to humans. Our differences grow large enough that we choose violence. The acts, opinions, and existence of another human or a group of them are so detrimental to my existence or threaten it to such a level that I must eliminate them.

There can be endless blame game as to who breaches the wall of insecurity wherein you are no more on the defensive, and aggression is the answer. Truth is, one side eventually would.

Hunger to stay relevant, and in power is another cause to put states in pressure chambers. Eventually waiting for them to release steam through conflict. Which would in military superiority never be lost by one party, but definitely a victory in setting the area into perpetual chaos for coming decades, destroying the future of its population.

Peace works?

Why not resolve the feelings of enmity, jealousy, and so on through peaceful ways? Well, peace demands that life must thrive, your opposition for an instance would breathe, eat and procreate. That would require you to place unshakeable faith in his intentions, which he honestly or otherwise declared.

Now, this is a quandary. One, you believe and understand human hypocrisy cause you are yourself not above it. Secondly, perhaps the person wouldn’t threaten your existence, but what about his kids? his extended family? his community? what guarantee can he give for the thousand or millions for that matter who carry the same colors?

It’s anything, but peace to clear away the clouds of uncertainty by crushing the existing state of affairs of your enemy.

What now?

I am a fan of The Beatles, and hence ‘All you need is love’, but, what do I understand of the power struggle, geopolitics, culture, religion, race, gender, and likewise?

Have your action.

I am here sitting with my device venting reasons of war as understood by my brain. While physically I might appear comfortable however my consciousness thumps for it aches every time it bears witness to endless human misery, and helplessness of the spectator. Every media sends a wave of concern immediately pacified by our personal and professional lives.

Perhaps those who are victims of the conflict might consider my opinions to be a mockery, and rightly so, what am I doing to make their lives any better? writing blog?

